Wii U Feature Image

The Wii U production is ending this week. According to sales numbers on September 30th, Nintendo shipped only 13.36 million Wii U consoles, paling in comparison to the 101 million units the Wii sold in the last generation. At its best, the Wii U will ship 240,000 units to retail.

No new details for the Nintendo Switch have been released, and won’t be until January 13th. All we know is that the console will be unable to use Wii U discs.

For as much heat the system gathered due to how it was set-up, I’ll miss this console. Xenoblade Chronicles X and Bayonetta 2 were amazing titles I can recommend. Will the Nintendo Switch be better? Only time will tell.


Jonathan Falu
I am currently a college student at Temple University as a MSP major in Emergent Media, and wish to one day be a paid video game critic. I currently do video reviews on the channel The Smartest Moron on Youtube over here: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheSmartestMoronReviews