Bravely Second Costume Change

The saga of Bravely Second changes in the West receives a new chapter today. A user has made an extensive pastebin post listing all the costume changes made in the game. They did some looking around in the game’s files to discover from the development side what all was changed. A couple of the changes were not even noticed on the European version until the changes were found via this method. Most of them definitely were, however. While none of them were as extensive as the one changing the Native American class to a Cowboy, the changes are pretty extensive. All of the changes seem to revolve around covering up cleavage and upper legs and hips of female characters. A good video showing many of those changes has been posted by Censored Gaming.

Let us know in the comments what you think about the newest round of changes in this localization. And stay tuned at Operation Rainfall for any further developments in this story.

William Haderlie
Born in the 1970's, I've been an avid participant for much of video game history. A lifetime of being the sort of supergeek entrenched in the sciences and mathematics has not curbed my appreciation for the artistry of video games, cinema, and especially literature.