
NOTE: This article is from the oprainfall Campaign Hub, written by an independent campaign, and hosted on the oprainfall website. The opinions herein may not represent the opinions of oprainfall.

Last week almost every fan of Super Smash Bros. showed up at Best Buy to get a chance to play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS. Some of the founders of Operation Power Up were no exception!

We had a few simple objectives:

1. Wait in line for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
2. Wait in line for Super Smash Bros. 3DS.
3. Talk about the awesomeness that was Nintendo Power.
4. Promote Operation: Power Up.
5. Ask anybody if they have seen the Nester April Fools Joke.
6. Play Super Smash Bros. for 3DS.
7. Play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
Bonus: Take all the free Nintendo swag.

Before we arrived at Best Buy, we decided to wear appropriate attire so we would not draw attention to ourselves as we promoted our campaign.

Clearly, we blended into the crowd!
Clearly, we blended into the crowd!

Once we finished playing our round of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, we made our way to the 3DS line! As we were waiting with the other smashers, I began to ask people if they have seen the infamous Nester April Fools joke we did awhile back. Here’s some responses:

“That was awesome! “
– Customer in front of me.

“I wish he was really in the game!”
– Customer behind of me.

“Can I have a picture, Mario?”
– Excited Best Buy Employee

With “Nester in Smash Bros.” being a starting point, we segued into some Nintendo Power memories. Here are some responses we got from the local smashers regarding Nintendo Power.

“I loved that magazine, I especially loved getting free Pokémon cards from it!”
– Smasher maining Little Mac on the Wii U demo.

“I still have the Ocarina of Time issue!”
Zelda Fan in line for the Wii U version.

“Get the Power! Nintendo Power!”
– Nintendo Power Fan in line for 3DS version.

“How dare they cancel [Nintendo Power] on my birthday!”
– Local Youtuber/Smasher in line for the Wii U version.

“Hey Mario Bros! I would love to have a picture of you guys!”
– Official Nintendo Rep.

“No cutting in line, Mario!”
– Best Buy Rep.

From there, we made our grand reveal: that we’re promoting a campaign known as Operation Power Up! Many local Smashers were interested in a digital revival of Nintendo Power and immediately signed our petition and liked our Facebook page! We were overjoyed that people still do care about Nintendo Power and would like to see it return.

We also took a few pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Overall the event was fun and we’re hoping Nintendo will continue doing this for the fans! Furthermore, it’s nice to see Nintendo Power still being remembered by us gamers! P.S. Smash Bros. was awesome!

With Pure Nintendo, Nintendo Force and Official Nintendo Magazine, there’s no doubt that gamers still want a Nintendo dedicated publication, and we hope that Nintendo of America will lend their support to Pure Nintendo or Nintendo Force so they can officially bring back the power.

See you next mission!

Operation Power Up - oprainfall

Our Nintendo Network ID: OperationPowerUp
Our Miiverse page: Here.
Our Facebook group: Here.
Our Twitter: Here.
Our petition: Here.

We're a group dedicated on officially bringing back Nintendo Power as a new publication and/or as a new community.