E3 2014 | Amiibo

Nintendo introduces Amiibo, their new figure line of toys to work with a number of Wii U titles.

During this morning’s Nintendo Digital Event, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime explains how the toys work with the Wii U system:

There’s a special chip that’s embedded in every figure. Any Wii U system will recognize the figures by touching them on the Wii U GamePad, and, when that happens, they spring to life in compatible games in cool new ways. When you touch Amiibo to the GamePad, the character’s data is downloaded into the game you’re playing, and it’s also a two-way street. We can send information back to the figure. So, in other words, your figure’s data changes as you play, which opens the door for various new gameplay possibilities.

For example, your own figure with its own unique stats and fighting style, will not only appear, but also evolve as a fighter in Super Smash Bros. on Wii U. In fact, Super Smash Bros. on Wii U will indeed be the first game to support Amiibo. In other words, this holiday, we’re not only releasing the game you’ve been waiting for, but also Amiibo, that literally gives you new ways to play.

When you use an Amiibo in Super Smash Bro’s for Wii U, that character will appear as a fighter in the game, and compete in battles, developing its own unique attributes and skills. You can fight against them yourself, have them square off against other Amiibo. They can even join you and fight on the same team.

Reggie Fils-Aime also said that after the event more information will be made available on the new toy line, so we’ll be sure to update as it comes out.

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