
As promised earlier this week, Lab Zero Games revealed the fourth and final fighter in the free DLC series (as well as patch 1.01 for the Xbox 360) for Skullgirls via the official Skullgirls Twitter page. Beowulf is his name and wrestling is his game, and if I may add, the man looks to fit in quite nicely with the predominantly female roster. Similar to Parasol — one of the fighters that shipped with the game — who incorporates a parasol in to combat, Beowulf brings his trusty chair to the fray. It’s safe to assume that his fighting style and strategies will heavily rely on chair warfare.


Did any of you out there participate in any of the character polls that led to the outcome of the four free DLC characters for Skullgirls? If so, does the outcome please you? Go forth and sound off in the comments!



Arik Yates
Former Contributor- Arik (yes, it's with an "A") is an aspiring video game journalist and professional monster hunter. He joined Operation Rainfall in January of 2013 and has been following since the Xenoblade days. His gaming obsessions include Uncharted, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, No More Heroes, and Bioshock.