There is one last category to do before we can hand out Game of the Year. That is the Best Multiplatform Game award. This was created so that we could showcase more of the unique games that appeared on the individual consoles. Besides, except for a couple of ports that were completely worked over, such as Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge vs. the PS3 and Xbox 360 Ninja Gaiden 3, most multiplatform games were the same across the board.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. If a good game is on more than one platform, then more people potentially have the chance to play the game and experiencing the greatness of the game. Here are 5 that we highly recommend.
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- XCOM: Enemy Unknown
The announcement of this game gave fans that were angry about the XCOM reboot reveal a reason to forgive 2K Games (note: not everyone was angry about it). When they played it, it made those same fans forget that game is even on its way, and let 2K Games sweep it from the spotlight. It also helped that Enemy Unknown was one of the greatest strategy games to be released, period.
Already a winner for Best Story, Virtue’s Last Reward is coming back for more. The spiritual sequel to 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, Virtue’s Last Reward has 9 new competitors compete in a brand new Nonary Game. The watch returns but shows the player’s score this time around as they’ll need 9 points to escape. And once the escape door is closed, it can’t be opened again.
- Spec Ops: The Line
Another nominee from publisher 2K Games, Spec Ops: The Line is a third person shooter that follows the tales of Captain Martin Walker and his team. The game features a multiplayer expanding the single player experience, effects that happen when the team begins to lose their sanity, and a story that nearly made the finals in that category.
- The Walking Dead
Already the winner for Best Downloadable Game, The Walking Dead is an incredible zombie-adventure game starring Lee and Clementine as they travel across the southern United States in order to find Clementine’s parents. And from start to finish you get some cool moments, some terrible outcomes from no-win choices, and some downright disturbing images.
Nominated earlier for Best Music, Persona 4 Arena is fighting game developed by ATLUS and Arc System Works — the developers of the BlazBlue franchise. The story takes place just months after Persona 4 and features characters from Persona 3 and Persona 4. A blurb isn’t long enough to tell you how great this game is. Just check out our review to see what I mean.
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward
Cooperation, betrayal, puzzles, 3D (or HD; depending on your system of choice), a compelling story, multiple endings, and a huge twist at the end. No wonder we voted this for Best Multiplatform Game. Just watch out for the save glitch in the puzzle rooms.
(NOTE: This section has been edited greatly since initial publishing.)
Before we get to Game of the Year, I want to take time out to remember all that was lost this past year. This is the oprainfall Awards In Memoriam.
- Ian Abercrombie, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Area 51, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, 007: Nightfire, Nox
- Sam Coppola, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credit: True Crime: New York City
- Adam Adamowicz, Concept Artist
Notable Gaming Credits: Fallout 3, Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
- David Anthony Pizzuto, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Crash Team Racing, Valkyria Chronicles II, Fallout: New Vegas, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Asura’s Wrath, Guild Wars 2
- Takeshi Aono, Japanese Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Final Fantasy IV (DS), Ninja Gaiden series, Metal Gear Solid series, Dead or Alive series, Tekken series
- Linda Cook, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credit: Alan Wake
- Ernest Borgnine, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Mermaid Man from SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSponge and other SpongeBob games
- Marc Alfos, French Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: French dubbing in Unreal Tournament 3, Left 4 Dead series, Call of Duty series, Far Cry, Call of Juarez series, Mass Effect 2, and The Legend of Spyro series
- Steve Franken, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credit: Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader
- Michael Clarke Duncan, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs, Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, Saints Row, God of War II
- Lance LeGault, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credit: Battlezone II: Combat Commander
- Michael Rye, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Narrator for Space Ace, Dragon’s Lair, and Dragon’s Lair II: Time Warp
- Ken Sansom, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credit: Kingdom Hearts II
- Lucille Bliss, Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Space Quest6: The Spinal Frontier, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
- Christopher Erhardt, Game Designer/Director/Producer
Notable Gaming Credits: James Pond (Genesis), James Pond 2: Codename Robocod (Genesis), Centurion: Defender of Rome (Genesis), Black Crypt (PC)
- Takashi Taniguchi, Japanese Voice Actor
Notable Gaming Credits: Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike, One Piece Grand Battle! 3, Riven, Super Robot Wars series