Time to hack and slash some slimes.
Tag: Square Enix
Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae Active Time Report Video, Details
A detailed look at the next installment by way of a comprehensive let’s play of the Final Fantasy XV Episode Duscae demo.
Dragon Quest Heroes PS3/PS4 Comparison videos
Square Enix and Omega Force’s upcoming Dragon Quest Heroes is coming to both PS3 and PS4. You can tell what the difference between the two versions is.
Chrono Trigger, NieR, and More Coming as Theatrhythm DLC
Welcome to the DLC of Theatrhythm, where musical dreams come true…but at what price?
Square Enix’s Eidos IPs Available for Indie Developer Pitches
What could indie development teams do with Gex, Fear Effect, or Anachronox? We may find out in the future!
Maya and Terry From Dragon Quest Heroes: Screenshots, Details
Maya fans her flames to a roaring blaze and Terry brings the thunder in these official screenshots for Dragon Quest Heroes!
Deadman’s Cross Released for PS Vita
Deadman’s Cross mixes TCG and FPS elements- and it’s free!
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD Final Trailer Posted With English Subtitles
Get ready for drama, angst and teenage warriors to save the world.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Coming to Arcades (Japan)
Hold onto your Chocobos!
New Dragon Quest Heroes Promo And TV Spots Posted
The world of Elsarze is in big trouble and not even the voice actors for Dragon Quest Heroes’ main characters know what to do about it.
RUMOR: Square Enix Trademarks Holey Heroes, Possible Dragon Quest VII 3DS Localization?
Hopefully it’s the 3DS remake.
Square Enix To Speak At North American Colleges
Square Enix staff will be speaking at both Southern Methodist University and the University of Southern California.
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD Collector’s Edition Video Reveal
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is getting a fully loaded (and somewhat pricey) collector’s edition, along with the already announced Final Fantasy XV demo.
(Japan) Dragon Quest Heroes Screenshots Show off Combat, Airship
Dragon Quest battles have never looked so good.
Life Is Strange Gets Release Date and Pricing
From the creators of Remember Me.
New Bravely Second Trailer
Something to tide you over until they announce an international release
Bravely Second Gets a Release Date in Japan
Several retailer-specific bonuses were also announced.
Final Fantasy VII Announced for PlayStation 4
There ain’t no gettin’ offa this hype train we on!