“A retro-style game that turns the breakout genre on its head!”
Tag: Retro
REVIEW: The Sacred Tears TRUE
A new take on a classic style.
The Internet Archive Adds Over 900 Arcade Games
Containing classics ranging from Missile Command, to Dig Dug, to Golden Axe, this arcade is sure to have something for just about any serious gamer.
REVIEW: Fenix Rage
Quantity over quality
REVIEW: Shovel Knight
Verily, good things come to those who wait.
Retro Wrap-Up: Dragon Quest Edition
Decisions, decisions…
Retro REVIEW: 5 Days a Stranger
Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw, well-known for his work on Zero Punctuation at The Escapist, was also the creator of this point-and-click horror: 5 Days a Stranger.
River City Ransom: Underground in Final Stretch
River City Ransom: Underground has just over a week left on Kickstarter, and new console stretch goals have been announced.
PAX Prime 2013 Impressions: Electronic Super Joy
Bold colors, crisp controls and vibrant music. Yay.
Retro Wrap-Up: Custom Robo Edition
For the ten or so people who’ve even played this game…
Retro Wrap-Up: Pikmin Edition
There’s just something about having an army of little plant men that’s fascinating.
Retro Wrap-Up: Joust Edition
I dare you to make less sense!
Retro Wrap-Up: Psychonauts Edition
Shame on you for not buying this game!
Retro Wrap-Up: .hack Edition
I still think Sword Art Online is better, though…
Retro Wrap-Up: Mega Man Network Transmission Edition
We take a look at Mega Man Network Transmission, as well as the best of last week’s news, in this week’s Retro Wrap-Up.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 15
It’s all about retro gaming in this week’s Downpour Podcast. These are our stories—what’s yours?
The Tale of ALLTYNEX Kickstarter to Bring a Classic SHMUP to the US
Not 1, but 3 classic SHMUPs for a measly $45? Yes please!
Retro Wrap-Up: DuckTales Edition
Retro Wrap-Up: F-Zero Edition
I got a need. The need for speed!
First Screenshots of 3DS Platformer Sayonara Umihara Kawase Surface
Screenshots of Sayonara Umihara Kawase surface.