A Limited Edition Metal Gear Solid V themed PS4 console bundle soon to be in Japan!
Tag: PS4
PSN Weekly: Week of February 4th (North America)
Big week for PSN Weekly!!
PlayStation Plus February Preview
Big PlayStation Plus update this coming month.
PSN Weekly: Week of January 28th (North America)
This week’s PSN weekly is packed with goodness.
Don’t Starve Released for PS4
Are you ready to play the next big indie game to hit the PS4?!
Atlus USA Releases Daylight Trailer
…and don’t look back!
oprainfall’s Top Gaming Moments of 2013
As we move forward into the New Year, we take a look back and remember the good, the bad, and the dramatic in our Top Gaming Moments of 2013.
STAFF PICKS: oprainfall’s Most Anticipated Games of 2014
Variety is the spice of life.
PSN Weekly: Week of December 10th 2013 (North America)
It’s time for some curry in this week’s PSN Weekly.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 39
The time is now: Next Gen is now the Current Gen. Does greatness await? Do we have a Knack for discussing the new hotness? Games and anime galore!
PSN Weekly: Week of November 26th, 2013 (North America)
Hey, folks, it’s time once again for another installment of PSN Weekly.
Is Knack destined for greatness, or do things fall apart?
The Downpour Podcast Episode 38
Next gen, last gen, Space Dandy, Sonic – yup, it’s another episode of The Downpour Podcast! Jonathan, Randy and Jared bring you the fun in gaming and anime.
Buy 2 Get 1 Free PS4 Game on Amazon.com
Begins today at 9:00 AM PST!
The Evil Within TGS Trailer Released
Some new horror brought to you by Bethesda.
Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign Announced for PS3 and PS4
A release date and trailer for Guilty Gear Xrd: Sign!
Shadow of the Eternals Kickstarter Relaunched
Don’t miss your chance to support Shadow of the Eternals!
Nomura on Kingdom Shaders and Porting Kingdom Hearts III
Nomura shares some tidbits on Kingdom Hearts III.
(Europe) More PS4 Games Aimed at Gamescom
Europe could be seeing a deluge of upcoming PS4 titles soon.