A retro review of Shadow Hearts for the Sony PlayStation 2.
Tag: Playstation
Godzilla Game Localisation Announced
Bandai Namco has announced that it’s latest Godzilla game is being localised, and will be brought over to both the United States and Europe very soon.
PlayStation’s New Releases for the Week of February 17
We take a look at several new titles coming out this week on all the current PlayStation systems, including The Order: 1886 and DOA5 Last Round.
PSN Sale: Aksys Titles, Neptunia Re;Birth 1, and More
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1, Tales of Xillia 2, and Arcana Heart 3 to name a few.
List of Titles Coming to PS3, PS4 and PS Vita in 2015
What game(s) are you looking forward to?
Amazon Gold Box Deals: PlayStation TVs 50% Off Starting Tomorrow
Amazon.com discounts PlayStation TV for February 13th Gold Box Deal
New Senran Kagura Estival Versus Screenshots Appear
New characters for you to play as!
PRESS RELEASE: Yakuza 5 Announced for the West
Yakuza fans, rejoice!
PSN Weekly: Week of December 2nd (North America)
A very nice Holiday Sale is going on right now.
REVIEW: Tiny Troopers Joint Ops
Making tiny things go boom is fun!
Bloodborne Release Pushed Back to March 2015
To “better integrate [the] learnings” from their recent alpha test.
Total Control Podcast Ep. 9: Does PlayStation 4 Share Work?
Happy Halloween from the oprainfall team! This week’s episode is packed with impressions on Playstation 4 Share, Bayonetta 2, Freedom Wars and much more!
Total Control Podcast Ep. 7: Life & Hometown
Join us as we talk about Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus, the Bayonetta 2 Demo and all the many games that are coming out this month.
Minecraft Creepers Explode onto PS Vita Today
Minecraft’s creepers explode onto the PlayStation Vita today as the PS Vita edition of Minecraft arrives on the PlayStation Store.
Gamescom 2014: Sony PlayStation Press Conference Recap
They got the console sales. What do they have for us to play?
E3 2014: Hands-on: Hohokum
Someone’s pulling the string(s) after all.
What are we fighting for?!
RETRO REVIEW: Mega Man 8 (PS1)
Go find Dr. Wahwee!
Building Character: Ashley & Marina
Before “romancing” was a thing, Wild Arms 2 pushed the envelope a little.
Analyzing Tearaway: A Closer Look Into Your World
A look at how and why Tearaway is all about you.