So about that 3DS version, Capcom…
Tag: Nintendo
Lyrical Meloetta Dances onto Stage for Pokemon Black & White Trailer
Meloetta, the newest Mythical Pokémon to waltz into your team, arrives via Mystery Gift on March 4th!
Wii Mini Heading to the UK
Great(ish) news for our British friends!
Pre-Ordering Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Will Grant Strategy Guides
Want a good start to the hunt? Pre-order now to claim your strategy guide!
Rumor: Reliable Source Says Bravely Default Will Be Localized
According to a reliable source on GameFAQs who goes by the alias, Aryllies, has confirmed that Bravely Default: Flying Fairy for the Nintendo 3DS will be localized.
Dusty Raging Fist Coming to Wii U This Year
A new beat-em-up adventure is coming to the Wii U later this year.
REVIEW: The Cave
Hi ho! Hi ho! Into the Cave we go!
From Diadora to Deirdre: The Quirks of Fire Emblem’s English History
Sometimes, the little touches have the biggest impact.
The Future of Monster Hunter in the Hands of a Plumber
Customization and ease of play is key in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, from the producer himself!
REVIEW: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Die with magnificence! But there’s no coming back…
Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS XL Bundle Available to Pre-order in Europe
Europe likes it extra large with fries.
New Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Trailer
Nintendo unveils a new trailer for Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D.
Gunman Clive 3DS Sales Surpass Android
A victory for the 3DS eShop!
Retro Wrap-Up: Crash Bandicoot Edition
Let’s hope Sony’s ad campaign for its next console is just as good as this.
EDITORIAL: An Examination of Story and Character in Tellius
Time for a good old-fashioned lesson in some Fire Emblem history!
Atlus Releases Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers Story Trailer
Fantastic dub work as always, Atlus!
PRESS RELEASE: Trine 2: Director’s Cut 25% Discount In Nintendo eShop
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, how thoughtful.
Mario Golf: World Tour on Par with a Summer Release
And Luigi’s in it! Surprise!
Watch the New HarmoKnight Trailer
The most interesting title of the bunch.
New Animal Crossing: New Leaf Trailer
Check out the latest trailer for Animal Crossing: New Leaf!