Gotta buy ’em all? Not quite, but…
Tag: eShop
PRESS RELEASE: Excave Descends to 3DS eShop Next Week
Brave the depths of the Labyrinth in order to save the kingdom from war!
PRESS RELEASE: Story of Seasons Launches March 31st
Life the life of a farmer next month from a game by XSEED Games!
Lufia: The Legend Returns Heading to 3DS eShop
The Legend Returns indeed!
PRESS RELEASE: Atlus Announces Localization For Etrian Mystery Dungeon
Another rougelike game for the West.
REVIEW: Sportsball
Live by the Bird, Die by the Bird
Wii U Deluxe Digital Promotion Nears its End
Nintendo’s Wii U Deluxe Digital promotion is nearing its end.
Nintendo Teams up with Playboy to Promote Bayonetta 2
Now here’s something never thought I’d see.
Shin Megami Tensei IV Worldwide Release Date Announced
Everyone who lives in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand will finally get to try out the awesomeness that is Shin Megami Tensei IV on October 30!
Classic Castlevania GBA Titles are Hitting the Wii U
Classic Castlevania is always good, right?
Renegade Kid eShop Sale Going on Now
Now is the time to get Moon Chronicles and Mutant Mudds
Pokémon Art Academy Releases in North America in October
Fire Emblem Blazes onto Wii U in Europe
Fire Emblem, meet the Wii U.
REVIEW: Yumi’s Odd Odyssey
The best “fishing” game ever!
Deluge of Nintendo E3 Trailers
Let’s take a look.
Nintendo Celebrates E3 with an eShop Sale
Select eShop and Virtual Console games for Wii U and 3Ds are up to 30% off.
PRESS RELEASE: Color Zen Out on North American Wii U, Coming to Europe
Color Zen blends puzzle solving and a soothing soundtrack into a stress-free package on Wii U.
Nintendo Download – May 1st, 2014 (North America)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Mario Golf: World Tour, “Mega May” and more!
Game Boy Mega Man Games Coming in May
Capcom is Bringing more Game Boy Mega Man games to the 3DS and is letting you decide which one comes out first. Find out how.
Nintendo Download – February 27th, 2014 (North America)
The new Professor Layton, a 50% off sale for an indie favorite, and more!