Today is a good day to be an old Nintendo fan. We already knew that Eternal Darkness, the classic horror game that I still contest to be the very best game of the Gamecube era, was getting a spiritual successor on PC and Wii U titled Shadow of the Eternals. What we did not know until very recently was that they were getting their own Kickstarter page! Initially, one could only pledge money to Precursor Games, the game developer, by going to their own website and utilizing Paypal. Now, however, fans can use the more tried and true Kickstarter method, and throw them money via Amazon. Furthermore, the Kickstarter page is much more streamlined and easier to navigate than the website, in my humble opinion.
If perchance you didn’t hear about this amazing-sounding game already, I’ll give you a quick rundown. Though not a direct sequel to Eternal Darkness, Shadow of the Eternals looks to utilize not only the same atmosphere found in the original which is choked with dismay, terror and mystery, but it also sounds as though it will utilize its very own insanity effects. In the original game, these were what gave the story so much of its flavor. The more mind-shattering monsters you saw, the more your grip on sanity lessened, and that was when the fun stuff happened. You would start gibbering madly to yourself and hallucinate things such as walking into the floor, or your character’s head would suddenly fall off, or statues would start turning their heads to watch you pass by. Mind you, these effects were all done on the technology available 11 years ago. Now Precursor Games can utilize CryENGINE 3 tech to really bring the game to life.

Furthermore, Shadow of the Eternals will also take place spread out over 12 episodes. While I was initially frustrated by this, in retrospect it makes a lot of sense. After all, Eternal Darkness took place in chapters too, and you controlled various protagonists over a period of hundreds of years. So, despite not technically being a sequel, I think we can all agree that this successor is definitely connected to the original in many ways.
For Shadow of the Eternals to become a reality, it needs to reach the lofty goal of $1,350,000. Luckily, they still have 36 days to reach that goal, and currently they’ve already reached more than $7,000. With all the reward tiers they have provided, I seriously doubt they won’t reach their goal.
By pledging at least $5, you get the pilot episode and exclusive membership to the Order of the Unseen. For $25, you get access to the Order plus episodes 1-6, half of the first season. For $50 you get access to the entire season, episodes 1-12, plus entry in-game to Whateley’s Secret Study, as well as access to the Order. From there the rewards are diverse and awesome, ranging from the soundtrack all the way to designing your own Sanity Event! Check out the Kickstarter page for full details!
If you want to know more about this sweet looking game, go ahead and check out their Kickstarter page!