You may think Europe has had it pretty sweet over the last year or so, what with games such as Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story and Pandora’s Tower all being released months before North America. And to tell you the truth, it has been. Us Europeans have felt pretty special with the recent treatment we’ve been getting; yet it hasn’t always been like this. We’ve been known to wait months, years, and in some cases, indefinitely for releases. Heck, even Australia has been known to get some games months before Europe.
Which is why this week’s edition of Scattered Showers is all about the most delayed games in Europe… Interestingly, these games were all on Nintendo systems. I smell a conspiracy.

Whilst it’s understandable that the cause of these delays was due to localisation, because of Europe’s million and one languages, it didn’t make the wait any less painful.
Yeah, alright North America. Laugh all you want, but us Europeans still got Pandora’s Tower, so there! … wait? … you guys are getting Pandora’s Tower too? …. Bollocks!
I’m sure they’re plenty of other games that got delayed in Europe, and not just on Nintendo systems. Let us know any others you can think of in the comments below.