Renegade Kid, famous for Mutant Mudds, has announced a new 3DS first-person shooter, Moon Chronicles. The game will be released over two seasons, with the first being a four-episode remake of Renegade Kid’s 2009 DS FPS Moon. In Moon Chronicles, main character Major Kane is on a mission to investigate an unknown hatch on the moon. Each new episode is designed to bring you a bit closer to understanding the moon’s secrets. The remake will take advantage of the 3D screen on the 3DS and run at 60 frames per second, both in 2D and 3D. It will also support the Circle Pad Pro.
The first season is scheduled for release sometime this spring. The price point of this episodic adventure (as of now) will be $8.99 (USD) for the first episode and $1.99 for each of the 3 additional episodes. The second season will have brand-new content and is scheduled for next year. Renegade Kid co-founder Jools Watsham tells IGN they are fans of cliffhangers and suspense and feel it will be an asset to the game if done this way.
“We’re big fans of TV shows like Lost,” explains Watsham. “We love shows that really cement the feeling where you watch an episode, you have a cliffhanger, and you absolutely need to watch the next one.” He goes on to say, “That’s our plan for season two and beyond, [for us] to approach it in a similar way. ‘What’s the whole point of the season? Where do we start and where do we end up?’”
Scan the following QR code to view 3D screens of the game on your 3DS.