E3 2013 marks the beginning of a new and exciting era. Whether some of us go into the next console generation kicking and screaming, or whether we run towards it with open arms… this is happening, ladies and gentlemen. As aforementioned, four members of the oprainfall Staff will be headed to Los Angeles to cover the event first-hand. We’ve got all sorts of amazing things lined up already—from attending the Nintendo E3 Media Event featuring Reggie Fils-Aime and Miyamoto, to going hands on with many of the games you’re all excited for this year like Killer is Dead, Time and Eternity (and much, much more).
I’m not telling you all this just to talk business, though. One of the most fun parts of E3 for the oprainfall Staff is casting our predictions for the crazy announcements that might come from the proverbial “Big Three” in less than ten days. A lot of us have fond memories of the Bomberman franchise—so we want to see the Big Three drop bombs.
…For those of you still speaking to me after such a cheesy line, here’s a look at what some of the oprainfall Staff think could, will, or won’t happen during E3 2013.
A look at who you’re hearing from, first of all:
Jonathan Higgins (me) – Admin
Richard Ross – Admin
Ryan Tyner – Admin
Charlotte Buckingham – Editorial Head
Jeff Neuenschwander – Editorial Head
Steve Baltimore – Reporting Manager
David Fernandes – Community Manager
David Rawlings – Editor
Will Whitehurst – Editor
Arik Yates – Staff Writer
Justin Graham – Staff Writer
Kyle Emch – Staff Writer
The Staff’s snark in response to “What will happen at E3?”
Richard Ross: Murder, lots if it…. one of us dies, probably me.
McDonalds joins the console race with their quarter pound console that doubles as a fryer. Exclusives include a new McKids game. Burger King responds by having an exclusive app on the Xbox one.
Ryan Tyner: Nintendo: Announces Wii U being remade. Super Nintendo 2 debuts Holidays 2013
Sony: Announces their new tablet controller. Oops.
Microsoft: Announces the system does actually play games, as there was some confusion about that.
Will Whitehurst: Nintendo announces something, Sony announces something, Microsoft announces nothing and OUYA announces everything.
Justin Graham: Microsoft spends half of their press conference talking about Halo: The Series. Jonathan will be injured in a tragic bacon storm encountered at the XSEED booth. Paramedics on the scene will refer to his injuries as crispy, with just the right amount of grease.
Enough of that. What are you all hoping for?
Even if it seems impossible, we can dream…right?
Jonathan Higgins: I know it’s never going to happen, but I want Chrono Break. Bad. See, when I was younger, I always had these unrealistic, lofty game hopes that I held onto over time. One was a sequel to Golden Sun: The Lost Age, one was a traditional 2D Mario platformer that actually stars Luigi… and the only one that hasn’t come to pass, ladies and gentlemen… is Chrono Break. There’s the “last hope” of my childhood. I don’t care what console it appears on–wherever it goes, I go. If only because I’ve invested far too much in the franchise already.
What else? I want A Link to the Past 2 to be perfect and absolutely gush with Link’s Awakening and Oracle of Ages/Seasons references in addition to stuff from the original game. I want Gamecube games, cross-compatibility, and a completely revived Virtual Console in the wake of the “lol” offered so far. But alas, dreams are fun. And so is Kirby’s Dream Land 2. Might Nintendo of America finally throw that on the 3DS VC so it doesn’t remain exclusive to Kirby’s Dream Collection?
Charlotte Buckingham:
– Golden Sun 4, because Dark Dawn came out 3 years ago and it ended on a cliffhanger
– MH4 localisation announcement
– More on the PS4 cloud system for downloading PS1, 2 and 3 games
Jeff Neuenschwander: Nintendo – X given a release date for early next year; Xenoblade given an HD upgrade and coming this holiday season; a localization we have yet to even hear about yet; Dillon from Dillon’s Rolling Western announced as SSB character; Dragon Quest X localization.
Sony – Word about a release date for The Last Guardian; Gran Turismo 6 has 1000 different cars; Final Fantasy XV made from Versus XIII stuff; Final Fantasy Type-0; Vita given a price cut.
Valve – A game with the number 3.
Ubisoft – Far Cry 4; something that creates buzz like Watch Dogs did last year.
EA – Not sports.
Microsoft – Actual good games; Halo Trilogy.
David Fernandes: Sony: Reveal the price point of the PS4, announce two models for PS4, show off Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Show off Last Guardian. Announce that the PS4 will not be region-locked. Vita getting an official price drop.
Nintendo: Announce an official Wii U price drop, a new Wii U bundle announcement. Release dates on some Wii U titles like “X”. I also hope Microsoft finally clarifies how used games will work on the Xbox One.
David Rawlings: I want F-Zero U, 1080 Snowboarding U, Streets of Rage 4 (Wii U). …Seriously, Higgins, you better mention my demands for Streets of Rage 4. It’s long overdue and would make a perfect eShop game with 5 player local co-op and 6 player online co-op. Plus the classic beats of Yuzo Koshiro.
Will: Nintendo localizes Fantasy Life, Time Traveler, Layton vs. Ace Attorney and Tomodachi Collection, as well as a title for X. Bayonetta 2 release date announced. Nondescript Action Figure to ship with all copies of The Wonderful 101. Sony announces Genji 3, talks about some other historically inaccurate enemy that will become an Internet meme, and announces The Last Guardian and/or FF Versus XIII. Microsoft partners with XSEED and Mistwalker to bring Lost Odyssey 2 as Xbox One launch title.
So, there’s that. Our jokes and our hopes for E3 2013. “But wait,” I hear you saying, “These aren’t actual E3 Predictions!” I know it, ladies and gentlemen, and that’s why you must head to the next page in order to figure out what we think will and won’t happen.