Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Logos | oprainfall

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends, an expansion game to Dynasty Warriors 8, has been announced for North American and European markets. Confirmed by TECMO KOEI’s Community Manager “Insp. Chin,” the expansion will have two different versions. The PlayStation 3 will get the standard version while the PS Vita and PlayStation 4 will be getting a Complete Edition. The Complete Edition will contain both the original game and the expansion since neither system had the original game when it released.

For those that haven’t played it, Dynasty Warriors 8 brought a number of changes to the series, which include an Ambition Mode where you work to build your palace; the ability view the story from different factions rather than through the different characters; and new attacks to take out the giant mob looking to kill you. As Justin Graham put it in his review: “It’s a little rough at the edges, but the end result is still a solid, entertaining experience that does what any good sequel should do by making intelligent enhancements that add a new twist to the core elements of its design.”

Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends is slated for a spring 2014 release.


Jeff Neuenschwander
Jeff has been a supporter of the website and campaign since the beginning. Joining in for E3 2012, he worked his way up the ranks quickly, making it to the Editing Manager post at the beginning of 2013. Jeff has a wide variety of tastes when it comes to gaming and pretty much likes anything that is quirky, although his favorite genres are Action, Platforming, and RPG. Outside of gaming, Jeff is a musician, being trained as a trombonist for Jazz and Classical music, and holds a degree in Sound Recording.