Ducktales Remastered

Ducktales Remastered LogoThe announcement of DuckTales Remastered at this year’s PAX East has created quite a splash, especially if the reactions of some of our staff are to be believed. I, personally, have never played the original, so I can’t say I have any particular emotional attachment to the game. But for those of you who do, gaming news site Gematsu has recorded five minutes of off-screen footage of the title.

Unfortunately, we can’t get a good sense of the game’s audio. The audio, particularly the voice acting, has also created a bit of a splash, with the announcement that the TV series’ original actors would be reprising their roles.

At any rate, the video gives a decent idea of how DuckTales Remastered is shaping up in terms of gameplay and visuals.


Devin Kotani
Devin is a Canadian, and as such, plays hockey (no he doesn’t) and drinks maple syrup (not really) while riding a wild moose (he’s never seen a moose). When he’s not perpetuating cultural stereotypes, he’s playing videogames, which has been, on occasion, very bad for his mental health, problems with which have plagued him for years. Now, at 20, he’s getting his mental health issues under control, and he’s trying to decide what to do with his life. He’s currently debating between journalism and trying his hand at the dramatic arts.