BATTLE 7: The Tag-Along

The tag-alongs are the characters that, in the nicest way possible, are annoyances that no one really wants around. They’re almost ‘filler’ type characters that usually become the punchline of many a joke. Welcome Riki and Yurick.
What can we say about Riki? He’s sort of a cross between Pikachu, a furby and a watermelon. Some of you may find him cute, or even adorable, because what is not delightful about hearing the same broken phrases, over and over again? Granted he isn’t the only character to repeat his sayings, but there’s something about listening to “Riki likes fighting easy monsters” for the umpteenth time that can push you to committing a mass homicide. But does he really deserve all this negativity? Well… quite frankly, yes; but in the fairness of this article let’s focus on his good points. Similarly to Melia, Riki is a magic user and is able to use the various elements that she can. He also has a wealth of attacks that can affect enemies in different ways, from slowing them down to immobility, so that’s a good thing… right?
Maybe calling Yurick a ‘tag-a-long’ is a little unfair, as he’s quite a useful character to have around, what with some of the strongest magic attacks in the game. It’s just unfortunate that he’s the closet character, from The Last Story, that I could put up against Riki. Anyway, having said that he can be quite annoying, especially during the first half of the game. He’s grumpy, ungrateful, sarcastic and a bit of a loner. He can’t take a joke and likes to moan… a lot. However, during one of the many side quests, we discover why Yurick is so bitter to everyone with the conclusion, of the quest, having him open up to his companions and becoming more likeable and friendly. Although he still doesn’t have a sense of humour. Miserable git.
Well this is a toughie. Is Riki’s annoyance or Yurick’s misery the winner. VOTE NOW!
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Check back soon for the final results.
And there you go, our first ever ‘Character Battle’. How was it? Did some of the choices tear you apart? Who do you think will be the victors? Who would you like to see in future showdowns? Let us know in the comments below.