BATTLE 2: The Love Interest
(Remember, SPOILERS are HIDDEN. Highlight the hidden text to view them.)

You can’t have a JRPG without some young filly tempting the heart of the hero, and this is the role that both Fiora and Calista fill with utmost predictability. But they aren’t just about fluttering their eyelashes and telling their beau’s that they’re ‘super cute’. No, they’re actually quite useful in the heat of battle.
Fiora has a major crush on Shulk and is constantly looking out for him. She praises him at any given opportunity, supports him when he needs it and she even cooks for him. It probably wouldn’t be too surprising if she checked he was wearing clean underwear everyday. Despite her overbearing lust, Fiora is actually a dab hand with her knives, performing quick attacks and evasive maneuvers. Out of all the playable characters in Xenoblade Chronicles, Fiora perhaps goes through the biggest change, in terms of character development. **SPOILER** Only 20 minutes into the game, Fiora appears to have ‘snuffed’ it after an encounter with Metal Face. However, she returns for the last quarter of the game as some sort of Robocop-Terminator hybrid that still has a desire to cook for Shulk. It’s pretty cool. **END SPOILER**
Calista is a princess, a princess who is a prisoner in her own home, a princess who desires to escape her princessy life and explore the world. Ok, so she’s not the most original princess you’ll ever meet, but as princess’s go, she is pretty rad, if a little needy. Calista uses ‘holy’ magic during battle, which can be essential during the tougher battles, and has the ability to summon a great beast to aid you, although she can only do this once. She can also heal and protect Zael, which seems a little unfair to the other party members, but hey, that’s love.
So who’s the best sweetheart? Is Fiora’s love of cooking the one for you or are you all about Calista’s holiness? VOTE NOW!
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