Boom Sha-Mulaka!
PlayStation Reviews
Reviews for PlayStation 3 and 4.
You and your robot friend must solve all the puzzles in order to unravel the mystery of what happened to humanity.
REVIEW: Dynasty Warriors 9
A valiant but turbulent effort by Omega Force to bring forth their most well known franchise into the open world foray.
REVIEW: Wulverblade
A brawler based on history!
REVIEW: Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
Recurring VOID Effect… 1st Clause: DIVIDE!
REVIEW: Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Scary good times await
REVIEW: Tokyo Xanadu eX+
This Vita action RPG gets a healthy upgrade.
RE-REVIEW: Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Throw out any preconceived notions you have of how rotten SO4 supposedly is because it’s not.
REVIEW: Senko no Ronde 2
You got your fighting game in my shooter….
REVIEW: Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back
Is this a cat-tastrophy?
REVIEW: Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds
The Frozen Wilds adds even more content to a game that was already a potential Game of the Year.
Teach your enemies what to do by the actions you do or don’t make.
REVIEW: Factotum 90
Twice the robots, not really twice the fun.
REVIEW: School Girl / Zombie Hunter
School Girls, Skimpy Clothes, and lot n lots of Zombies!
REVIEW: Brawlhalla
Like Smash Bros. but with vikings!
REVIEW: Demon Gaze II
We return to the world of Demon Gaze, will the sequel capture the same magic of the first underrated gem?
REVIEW: Caveman Warriors
An alien has kidnapped your kids! Now pick up your club and go after them in this prehistoric adventure
REVIEW: Hand of Fate 2
The Dealer is back and the game is more deadly than ever!
REVIEW: Raiden V: Director’s Cut
The XBox One vertical shooter makes it’s way to PlayStation and PC, but was it worth the nearly 2 year wait?
REVIEW: Time Recoil
Let’s do the time warp again!