While still a solid entry, the flaws make me ask the question, “Will there be a fourth entry in the Dusk series?”
PlayStation Reviews
Reviews for PlayStation 3 and 4.
REVIEW: The Awakened Fate Ultimatum
The Awakened Fate Ultimatum is a Mystery Dungeon style game with Mass Effect-style story paths. Does it live up to the expectations left by those games?
REVIEW: Dragon Ball XenoVerse
REVIEW: Hand of Fate
Cards and combat make for one hell of a game.
RE-REVIEW: Akiba’s Trip (PS4)
Stripping Vampires in 1080p.
REVIEW: Tales of Xillia 2
Tales of Xillia 2 lands players in a familiar world with familiar characters making it one of the most loyal sequels I’ve ever played.
Feel the Heat!
REVIEW: In Space We Brawl
Is In Space We Brawl a shining star, or dead in orbit? Find out in our review!
REVIEW: Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed
Some decent kinky fun to be had here.
REVIEW: Tears to Tiara II
Visual novel expert Aquaplus and strategy giant Sting collaborate their strengths to give us the dual-genre epic Tears to Tiara II: Heir of the Overlord.
REVIEW: Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
More Senran Kagura bouncing your way.
REVIEW: Fairy Fencer F
Sometimes characters can really make a story shine.
IMPRESSIONS: Natural Doctrine
I sit down and go toe-to-toe with Natural Doctrine, the latest hard game on the block. Is it hard, good and worth your time? Check out my review to find out!
REVIEW: Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
It’s hard to follow up on a game like Persona 4 Arena, which brought the series from RPG to fighting, but Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is up to the challenge.
REVIEW: Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
More of the Warriors franchise is always a good thing, right?
REVIEW: Hyperdimension Neptunia
Let’s take a look back at how the console wars got started.
REVIEW: Blue Estate
Blue Estate is a raunchy, over-the-top rail shooter for the PS4, but is it any good?
REVIEW: The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5 – Cry Wolf
The much anticipated-ending to The Wolf Among Us is here! Was it the ending that we expected or was it a huge disappointment. Find out right here!
REVIEW: Child of Light
Truly a magical experience, and one that I don’t think I gave enough credit at first. There really just isn’t much else on the market like Child of Light.
REVIEW: 1001 Spikes
It hurts so good.