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PlayStation Reviews
Reviews for PlayStation 3 and 4.
RE-REVIEW: Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
Let’s go back to the Decision Game
REVIEW: Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA
The classic action RPG series has changed over time, and what they have come up with this time is something truly astounding.
REVIEW: Sonic Mania
A love letter to the blue blur
PAX West 2017: Immortal: Unchained
An intense-looking action-RPG.
REVIEW: Graceful Explosion Machine
A comfortable take on the shoot ’em up genre.
REVIEW: Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder
Are you ready to Rock? Because this game is like none you’ve ever seen before.
IMPRESSIONS: Defenders of Ekron
There’s a new Shoot ’em up in town, and here are our first impressions on the debut game by In Vitro Games
PAX West 2017: Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV
The spin-off that nobody was expecting.
RE-REVIEW: Ghost Blade HD
Physical copies of bullet hell shooters are rare, Limited Editions are almost unheard of.
REVIEW: Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
His original name was Willy the Wombat until he was hit by too many crates, true story.
REVIEW: Fallen Legion: Sins of an Empire
Summon the heroes of old and reclaim your Kingdom in this unique RPG by YummyYumyTummy
REVIEW: Damascus Gear: Operation Tokyo
Unsuccessful Operation.
REVIEW: Accel World Vs. Sword Art Online: Millennium Twilight
Another grand adventure for the SAO crew, but this time they have guests!
REVIEW: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Will this divisive, but critically acclaimed, JRPG from the PlayStation 2 find a new audience along with it’s new features?
REVIEW: One Way Trip
Anyone fancy going on a trip?
REVIEW: Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles
A pretty island, with not a whole lot to do on it.
REVIEW: Tokyo Xanadu
Tokyo is in peril A LOT!
Does combining two disparate genres together work in this indie game’s favor, and what exactly is a RIVE?
REVIEW: Valkyria Revolution
Join Amleth and the Anti-Valkyria Squad against the Ruzhian Empire in this Action RPG by SEGA