The Operation Rainfall team goes deep in ink to give you impressions of the recent Global Testfire demo.
RETRO REVIEW: Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
I don’t normally like remastered games, but this is one exception!
RE-REVIEW: Shovel Knight (PSN)
Dig into the treasure found in the PlayStation version of Shovel Knight.
REVIEW: High Strangeness
Using the power of some creepy skulls right out of his nightmares, a teenage party boy must save the universe… by hitting the bad guys with a flashlight.
REVIEW: Ys: The Ark of Napishtim
This game isn’t for the easily frustrated and impatient, but for those that can stand a few Game Over screens, there is a lot to enjoy about this re-release of a previously Japan-only RPG classic.
REVIEW: The Legend of Dungeon
This Dungeon Should Remain As A Tale.
REVIEW: Homeworld: Remastered Collection
Today, let’s check out Homeworld: Remastered Collection, which contains remastered versions of both Homeworld and Homeworld 2, along with copies of the original games.
RETRO REVIEW: Super Metroid
Metroid’s magnum opus shines on over 20 years later.
REVIEW: Resident Evil Revelations 2
Barry Burton’s .44 Magnum Opus
90s kids will like this.
RE-Review: Paperbound
Tearing paper on the PS4 is fun. too.
Impressions: Project Root
Check out this new shooter coming to the Vita really soon.
REVIEW: Omega Quintet
Cute Verse Maidens saving the world is always a good thing, right?
REVIEW: Demon’s Souls
There are countless answers that can be given to the question “What is Demon’s Souls really about?”
REVIEW: Tilelicious
Tilelicious is an extremely simple game. Just match up the tasty-looking tiles, 2048-style, and hope you don’t get the worst of luck…
REVIEW: Toukiden: Kiwami
Whether you’re no stranger to Monster Hunter, or if this is your first outing in this style of game, Toukiden: Kiwami will satisfy.
Izle is a unique Kickstarter game that’s currently in development. I thought I’d give the free deom spin and tell you guys what I thought of it. So, is Izle a game worth backing, or are you better off committing your money elsewhere?
REVIEW: Deathtrap
Combine the fast pace of hack-and-slash with the tactical planning of a tower defense game. Add in the gore of the Van Helsing games, and you get Deathtrap.
REVIEW: Game of Thrones: Episode 1-3
When you play the Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series, you win or you die–literally.
REVIEW: Drakengard 3
Does Drakengard 3 soar or plummet? Clicky-click to see what we think!