Time to take back your country, Anime style!
REVIEW: Deathsmiles
Check out these goth girls destroying all the denizens of the deep with their powerful magic.
RE-REVIEW: Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
How is Hyperdimension Neptunia’s beat ’em up game on the PC?
REVIEW: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Its quite flawed, but hits just enough notes that it’s at least worth checking out.
REVIEW: Assault Android Cactus
When in a bind, Cactus destroys first and asks questions later. Help her with her wanton destruction.
Early Access IMPRESSIONS: Bounty Train
Abe Lincoln, is that you?
REVIEW: Return to PopoloCrois: A Story of Seasons Fairytale
Join me as I dig into the fertile soil of this unexpected crossover of the RPG action of PopoLocrois and the laid back farming of Story of Seasons.
REVIEW: Zotrix
What do you get when you breed several classic arcade shooters from the 1980’s? Check inside to find out.
SUPERHOT is the most innovative shooter I’ve played in years.
REVIEW: Croixleur Sigma
Kicking ass with moe gals is pretty fun!
Early Access IMPRESSIONS: Super Mutant Alien Assault
With a name like that, it has to be good.
REVIEW: Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
The path of peace is still fraught with danger and heartache
REVIEW: Summon Night 5
The grind is strong with this one…
Catgirls in maid uniforms running a pastry shop in Japan. If that sounds like your idea of a good time, check out our review of the Visual Novel.
REVIEW: Minecraft: Story Mode – Episodes 2-4
This game’s existence still baffles me. It’s alright, though.
REVIEW: Firewatch
Is this hot indie title a game you should watch out for or just a smoky dud that should be put out immediately?
REVIEW: March of Industry
March of Industry is a fun little factory game that tasks you with managing a factory to build and sell weapons to make profit and expand your factory.
Early Access IMPRESSIONS: 20XX (Ver. 0.9b)
Mega Man fans, your prayers have been answered!
REVIEW: Tinertia
It’s fine, until….
REVIEW: Rogue Legacy
Whether you want to play a retro style metroidvania, or you want to engage in a roguelike challenge, this is a very great game to pick up and play.