Verily, tis pretty great
REVIEW: Where the Bees Make Honey
Too many bees can spoil the honey.
REVIEW: The World Next Door
The world next door to us is weird.
REVIEW: Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
I bless the games made in Africa.
TBT REVIEW: Teleportals
I guess it’s kind of like a stripped down, 2D Portal…
IMPRESSIONS: Raji: An Ancient Epic
An ancient Indian styled action-adventure.
REVIEW: Neo Atlas 1469
A game for flat Earth and round Earth proponents alike!
REVIEW: Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain
Even more bugs and robots to shoot at.
REVIEW: Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet
It’s time once again to hit the beach in Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet.
PAX East 2019 Hands-On Impressions: Indivisible
Indivisible is shaping up to be quite the gem.
RE-REVIEW: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
It’s like a good book, it starts off okay and then slowly builds up to where all the juicy stuff happens.
Let’s check out the world of Trident’s Wake, where hope is nearly nonexistent for humanity.
REVIEW: Yoshi’s Crafted World
It’s fun the first time through.
REVIEW: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Yes, you will die many more times than twice, and that joke was old even before the game release date.
IMPRESSIONS: Super Crome: Bullet Purgatory
This bullet purgatory feels stuck in limbo.
REVIEW: Touhou Luna Nights
Mistress always comes up with the best games when bored!
PAX East 2019 Hands-On Impressions: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Igarashi’s new game is looking to be the next big name in the Metroidvania genre.
REVIEW: 428: Shibuya Scramble
After 10 years it finally has an English version.
REVIEW: Mechstermination Force
Rock’em sock’em
RE-REVIEW: Corpse Party: Book of Shadows
Time to get spooky on Steam