Stellar Stela
REVIEW: Luigi’s Mansion 3
Charming and funny, but not without its problems
(18+) REVIEW: Hikari Love Potion
It’s time to save the world with a drink of a potion and a thrust of the hips!
(18+) REVIEW: Amayakase – Spoiling My Silver-Haired Girlfriend
The only plot here is Anya’s!
REVIEW: Battle Planet – Judgement Day
Shoot, Shoot and Shoot!
REVIEW: Plunge
Take a dive into this rogue-like.
REVIEW: The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
Link finds himself shipwrecked on the shores of Koholint Island in The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening!
REVIEW: Day and Night
A fantastic puzzle game, despite outward appearances
REVIEW: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020
Click here to find out what I thought of the newest Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games title from SEGA.
REVIEW: The Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors
The Ninja Warriors are back once again!
(18+) EROGE REVIEW: Sengoku Rance
The game that popularized Rance in the West finally gets an official release from AliceSoft and MangaGamer.
TBT REVIEW: Secret of Evermore
I wish it had more secrets…
REVIEW: DATE A LIVE: Rio Reincarnation
It’s time for one final date.
REVIEW: Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair
Better than the original
REVIEW: Gun Gun Pixies
They had me at Neptune!
RE-REVIEW: Azure Reflections
PC Port time!
Anime Vampire Souls is pretty damn fun!
(18+) REVIEW: OniiKiss: Onii-Chan, Where Is My Kiss?
Does kissing your sisters really make you happy? Let’s explore that.
IMPRESSIONS: Anew: The Distant Light
An alien world, waiting to be explored.