A dark fantasy visual novel with a twist!
Book REVIEW: Up Up Down Down Left WRITE
Want to break into writing news, reviews and other articles on games? Nathan Meunier has some advice for you with his new book, Up Up Down Down Left WRITE.
REVIEW: Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut
Survive or die? Just in time for Halloween, it’s our review of Lone Survivor: The Director’s Cut.
REVIEW: Pokémon X
From the fresh perspective of a Pokémon newb.
REVIEW: Pokémon Y
Gotta catch ’em all?
RETRO REVIEW: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is a N64 game about aliens, robots and, well, ninjas. You know, the usual.
Impressions: Freedom Planet
A fun little platformer that really tickles that nostalgia bone.
An inside look at Pokémon X from a player new to the series.
Pokémon Y is shaping up nicely so far!
RETRO REVIEW: Sam and Max Save the World
Let’s take a look at Telltale Games’ first episodic point and click adventure game project, Sam and Max Save the World. Does it hold up or fall flat?
REVIEW: Rage of the Gladiator (3DS)
Thumbs up for this eShop gem!
REVIEW: Hakuoki: Memories of the Shinsengumi
How does this otome novel hold up?
Photography has never been this spooky.
REVIEW: The Wonderful 101
Can Platinum’s Wii U debut get any more wonderful than this?
REVIEW: Devil Survivor 2: The Animation
This new spin on a story many have seen before is about far more than survival.
IMPRESSIONS: Rune Factory 4
Initial impressions of Rune Factory 4, the latest installment in the Rune Factory spin-off franchise. So far, it’s looking really good.
REVIEW: Pokémon Rumble U
Gotta beat them all again and again and again and again and again…
Retro REVIEW: 5 Days a Stranger
Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw, well-known for his work on Zero Punctuation at The Escapist, was also the creator of this point-and-click horror: 5 Days a Stranger.
REVIEW: Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness
Disgaea D2 is a direct sequel to the original Disgaea that released ten years ago. There have been a lot of gameplay changes over the years.
REVIEW: Electronic Super Joy
What happens when you pack a whole night of crazy rave partying, filled with techno music and strobe lights, into a game? You get… Electronic Super Joy.