We finally sit down and talk about E3
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Nintendo Direct Recap: 3DS XL, Demos, DLC, Virtual Console Games & Mario
A summary of Nintendo Direct’s news.
Localization Community Spotlight: Operation Zero
Some say Crimson Butterfly is the scariest video game ever made
REVIEW: Mutant Mudds
A review of Mutant Mudds, one of many original experiences on the Nintendo eShop.
Staff Picks: Top 10 VGM – Xenoblade Chronicles
Join us on our musical adventure.
Crytek CEO Starts Campaign to Save TimeSplitters 4
Crytek employees start campaign to save TimeSplitters 4.
Fire Emblem: Awakening Details
Who’s excited as well?
10 Reasons You Should Buy The Last Story
10 good reasons out of 1000 really.
Miyamoto Wants to Make a Shooter? Blasphemy!
Miyamoto wants to make a first-person shooter for the Wii U.
PICKS: Top 10 Games of E3 2012
And the winners are…
Revenge of the Friend Codes!! Also, achievements.
The Purple Pikmin discusses new information about the Wii U.
Operation Rainfall Interview: Creators of Boot Hill Heroes
An exclusive interview with the minds behind Boot Hill Heroes, an upcoming classic-styled RPG.
Hands On at E3: Orgarhythm (Vita)
A surprisingly deep strategy/rhythm hybrid game.
Hands-On: Ni No Kuni
Hands on with Ni No Kuni.
Hands-On: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Cut anything in Metal Gear Rising.
Hands-On: Project Diva F (Vita): Want to see this game leave Japan?
And why you should let SEGA know that you are interested…
Hands-On: New Super Mario Bros. U
Looks beautiful, but it’s the same old Mario.
Hands On at E3: Persona 4: Arena (PS3/360)
A beautiful fighter from the team behind Guilty Gear and BlazBlue.
Hands-On: Mugen Souls (PS3)
Mugen Souls is delightfully insane.
Hands-On: Nintendo Land
Don’t overlook this game!