An epic journey, interrupted.
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Media Create Weekly Software Sales November 12-18
The Vita receives a much needed boost in sales while Animal Crossing continues its domination
The Last Story is XSEED’s Most Successful Title
Congratulations to Mistwalker & XSEED Games!
DISCUSSION: Our Highest Expectations / Biggest Fears Regarding Wii U
Join the Oprainfall Staff as we discuss expectations and fears for Wii U!
STAFF PICKS: What Will We Play on Wii U?
What launch window games are the staff anticipating the most?
New Free DLC Coming Out for PlayStation All-Stars!
Two new characters will be joining the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale roster early next year!
OPINION: Why I’m Skipping New Super Mario Bros. U
New Super Mario Bros. is a series that goes against Nintendo’s mantra of reinvention, and makes a mad killing for it.
Xenoblade & The Last Story VGA Nominees!
Please vote for these two great titles!
A Look Into The God and Fate Revolution Paradox
A look into some skills, and how Cinderella fits in to The God and Fate Revolution Paradox.
RUMOR: Nintendo Spain Media Event, Surprise Localization Titles
Project X Zone and Bravely Default? Quit teasing us!
Storytelling in Video Games: A Squandered Opportunity
What makes a video game such an incredible narrative platform? And how is the industry putting it to waste?
Press Release: Aksys Offering Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward Watches for Relief Efforts
Gift for a good cause.
Atelier Totori Plus: Meat and Maps and Swimsuits
Atelier Totori Plus gets three-dozen new screenshots in advance of its Japanese release. Yet another addition to the Vita’s growing JRPG library.
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U Japanese Commericials & Trailer
Do you feel the hype?
OPINION: Why Square Enix Is Losing Money—An Indictment
Square Enix’s profits are plummeting—and it has no one to blame but itself.
REVIEW: Karateka
Karateka is back after almost 30 years! Can it brawl its way to the top, or does it fall off a cliff?
Fire Emblem: Awakening Art Book Cover Illustration Revealed
Fire Emblem Awakening Material Collection: Knights of Iris is detailed within.
Mega Man Will Appear On Consoles And Portables Says Capcom
Does this mean anything? We will have to wait and see.
Soul Sacrifice Release Date Announced
Soul Sacrifice will be coming out soon for the PlayStation Vita!
Are RPGs Like Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga I and II Becoming Obsolete?
A comparison between an amazing RPG like Digital Devil Saga, and the games that are being produced now.