Nearly 30 new games releasing this week.
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REVIEW: The Waste Land
The 8-bit art style belies the brutal themes found within.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 46: September 15-19, 2014
Castle Siege looks better than ever.
REVIEW: Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Zetsubou deshita! (I’m in despair)
REVIEW: Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
More of the Warriors franchise is always a good thing, right?
A Look at LeapTrade: A New Way to Trade Your Games
A new alternative for trading your games that give you more for your games than anywhere else
REVIEW: Stick It to The Man
Stick It to The Man is somewhat like a spiritual successor to Tim Schafer’s Psychonauts, with more adventure game puzzles. Is it worth your time?
Total Control Podcast Ep. 3: Post-PAX Blues/Sickness
Josh’s PAX-capades, Justin’s CE troubles, Dragon Quest VII, and the New 3DS are discussed.
This Week In Gaming: Week of September 15th
Fairy Fencer F and Hyrule Warriors both release this week, as well as a slew of indie titles.
REVIEW: Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is a match made in heaven. This is the kind of things that fans dream about. So, how does it work?
Smashing Saturdays! Week 45: September 8 – 12, 2014
Also known as the cranky Josh variant of Smashing Saturdays…
RETRO REVIEW: The Legend of Zelda
Let’s take a look back at an 8-bit root in open-world gaming.
PICKS: The Top 10 Video Game Dogs
At least 10 dogs will have their day.
REVIEW: The Sims 4
I sit down with EA’s newest spin-off of its well-loved franchise, The Sims 4! Of course, I’m answering the question everyone wants to know – is it worth buying?
IMPRESSIONS: Adventurezator
With Adventurezator, the only limit is your imagination… and the features that have yet to be implemented.
REVIEW: Broken Hearted: A 9/11 Story
Most likely only time you will ever hear about 9/11 on