Come let your voice be heard for the month of May.
oprainfall editorials. Debates, publisher spotlights, opinions, interviews, and many others, surely there is something that will tickle your fancy!
POLL RESULTS: Which is your Favorite Mario Kart?
Which Mario Kart Came on Top?!
Hyperdimension Neptunia: Meet the Goddesses
Meet the goddesses!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 30: May 26-30, 2014
A gentleman kicks the tar out of the opposition…
POLL RESULTS: Favorite Mega Man Game
And the best game is…
Building Character: Rikka Takanashi
Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions’s Rikka might be a fun and cute character, but don’t underestimate the depth to her.
The Downpour Podcast Episode 50
A handful of games, some impressions, some memories, and maybe a surprise or two!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 29: May 19-23, 2014
Ike and Isaac to make your Saturday Smashing!
INTERVIEW: Tyrone Rodriguez, President of NICALiS
Gaming is defined by the gamer.
Building Character: Hazama & You
BlazBlue‘s Hazama understands us.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Adventures of Pip
It’s time to take back our pixels!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 28: May 12-16, 2014
The only thing more adorable than girl Villagers is Pichu!
Josh’s Top 10 Most Original Robot Masters
Only the weirdest of weirdos shall win…
READERS’ PICK: Favorite Mega Man Game Poll
There can only be one…or two…pew pew?
Building Character: Kudryavka Noumi (Kud)
Kud (full name Kudryavka Noumi) was my favorite character from Little Busters!
The Downpour Podcast Episode 49
Games and anime, past and present…there’s even a Daft Punk reference!
Smashing Saturdays! Week 27: May 5-9, 2014
Dragoon, Bullet Bill, but still no Ness…
Opinion: Kill la Kill: Incredibly Sexist or Incredibly Feminist?
I have never been so conflicted about a show before watching Kill la Kill.
Smashing Saturdays! Week 26: April 28-May 02, 2014
Putting out fires and saving the day!
READERS’ PICK: Most Wanted Game Boy Advance Games for Virtual Console
The crowd has spoken. Now, it’s time to reveal the results.