It’s an adventure, sure. But is it really ‘incredible’?
All things Microsoft XBox
New Trailers for Valkyria Revolution Released
A bit more of a look at the Valkyria spin-off.
REVIEW: Super Dungeon Bros
I’m ready to rock, but I don’t see a guitar anywhere.
REVIEW: Ittle Dew 2
Ittle Dew 2 has it’s roots in The Legend of Zelda games. How does it compare?
REVIEW: Rebel Galaxy
Hikaru Utada Returns In Kingdom Hearts 3
Finally! The beautiful voice of Hikaru Utada returns to Kingdom Hearts 3!
Justin’s Most Wanted Characters for Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite
Hopefully we will get to play as one or more of these characters!
Dex, a Side-Scrolling Cyberpunk RPG, is Available Now on Vita
“With Dex, we tried to portray the struggle for individuality with a mix of action and role-playing gameplay.”
GWENT to get New Cards and Ranked Play in New Update
“With the Holidays just around the corner, the GWENT team would like to use this opportunity to wish you all things magical!”
Orchestral Memories Having a Dark Souls Concert
And unlike Dark Souls, this concert will not kill you!…maybe
Brawlout Introduces Paco, Announces Closed Beta
Four arms of froggy fury!
Final Fantasy XV DLC Dropping on December 22nd
Final Fantasy XV’s first round of DLC prepares to land on December 22nd.
Screenshots Released For Call of Cthulhu
“Cthulhu waits dreaming.”
REVIEW: Final Fantasy XV – Part 2
Final thoughts on this Final Fantasy, including discussion of the systems and how XV compares to the previous games in the series.
Valkyria Revolution Coming to PS4 and Vita in English
“Forget everything you knew about Valkyria Chronicles because it’s time for a revolution!”
Troll and I Release Date Set for March
This might be a troll you would be willing to hangout with.
REVIEW: Final Fantasy XV – Part 1
Does the open world style benefit or detract from this JRPG franchise?
Point & Click Adventure Game The Little Acre Now Available
If you were looking for another adventure game to get into take a look at this one.
Death Squared Coming to PS4, Xbox One, and PC
Being careful: the most dangerous enemy.
Tekken 7 Adds More Characters & an Online Tournament Mode
I bet you can’t bear the suspense!