New playable characters and modes are available in the GOTY edition of Borderlands 2.
PC News, Reviews, Previews, and More
Press Release: Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z Announced for Steam
A press release from Tecmo Koei America concerning Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z .
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 Release Date
Which system will you be playing The Wolf Among Us on?
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Citizens of Earth
Citizens of Earth is a Kickstarter campaign started by some members of the team that created Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon (among many others)
32 New Games, Apps Greenlit for Steam
Steam has announced the latest batch of Greenlit games and applications.
Valve Reveals Steam Machine Beta Specs
Valve has revealed the specifications for the Steam Machines they will be sending out soon for beta testing.
River City Ransom: Underground Reaches Funding Goal
River City Ransom: Underground has reached its initial funding goal of $180,000 CAD with less than three days left for its Kickstarter campaign.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter Ends, Raises $800,000 USD
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero raised over $800,000 in 30 days. See what that means for the game.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut Release Date Revealed
Adam Jensen returns sooner than you think.
Crowdfunding Spotlight: Cosmic Star Heroine
A classically-styled game with a futuristic twist.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Gets Bonus Chapter, New Exclusive Costumes
With fewer than two days left, we’re seeing bonus chapters and cool content.
Mighty No. 9 Ends Crowdfunding With $4 Million USD Raised
Mighty No. 9 has finished its Kickstarter campaign, raising over $4 million USD for the game. Check out what you can expect at release.
River City Ransom: Underground in Final Stretch
River City Ransom: Underground has just over a week left on Kickstarter, and new console stretch goals have been announced.
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Risky Mode Funded
After an uphill battle, Risky Boots is now playable. How many more stretch goals can we see completed in four days?
Shadow Warrior Launch Trailer Released
It ain’t Transformers, but Wild Flying Hog and Devolver Digital’s involvement may give this cult classic “The Touch” it needs.
Mighty No. 9 Gets Online Co-op, 3DS/Vita Stretch Goal
Keiji Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter cannot be stopped! Online co-op is confirmed, and a new 3DS/Vita stretch goal has been announced.
Mist of Stagnation Kickstarter
Valve Reveals the Steam Controller
Your thumbs are in for a major trip.
Final Fantasy XIV and Lightning Returns Crossover Reveal
It seems Lightning is capable of jumping through multiple dimensions
Crowdfunding Spotlight: River City Ransom: Underground
River City Ransom: Underground is attempting to be the NES sequel to River City Ransom that never was, albeit without some of the limitations of the NES.