This week brings JRPGs, a bullet hell shooter and much more.
Author: Steve Baltimore
REVIEW: Muramasa Rebirth
Muramasa Rebirth is one of the the most gorgeous-looking Vita games ever, but is it any good? Let’s tear into this action-packed title and find out!
RUMOR: Project DIVA F Coming to Vita in North America?
Could Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F be coming to PS Vitas in the West, as well?
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 2 War of the Abyss Trailer Released
Kisareth Studios has released a trailer for their upcoming Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 2 War of the Abyss.
PSN Weekly: Week of July 9th (North America)
Hello folks once again it is time for another PSN Weely. This week brings some great sales and much more.
Press Release: Quandary Wins Game of the Year at Games for Change 2013
Quandary takes home the Game of the Year title at Games for Change 2013!
REVIEW: Swords & Soldiers 3D
Being a fan of good ole fashioned RTS games, I was pretty stoked at the chance to get my hand on Swords & Soldiers 3D.
Official Shin Megami Tensei IV Unboxing Video
The fine folks over at Atlus USA have shared with us a special unboxing video of the limited edition Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Press Release: Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 On Desura and Amazon Games
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 Tides of Fate has made its way onto Desura and Google Video games.
REVIEW: Class of Heroes 2
Class of Heroes 2 is a dungeon crawler made by Acquire. You will create a party of heroes from scratch and set out on many adventures.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Anime Extended Preview
The eagerly awaited anime adaptation of Hyperdimension Neptunia is almost here! Check out the extended preview now.
Building Character: Sakura Kinomoto
What makes Sakura Kinomoto, the ten-year-old protagonist of the classic 1998 anime series Cardcaptor Sakura, a great character?
PSN Weekly: Week of June 18th (North America)
This week, we are given some classic Castlevania action, Jak and Daxter coming to the Vita, and a classic arcade beat-’em-up.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F Announced for the West
Sega via PlayStation Blog has announced that Project Diva F will be coming to PS3 and PSN this August for fans here in the west.
Let’s Fish! Hooked On Half Off for PlayStation Plus
Now is a good time to cast off and let the fun begin.
PSN Weekly: Week of May 22nd (Europe)
It is time once again for another PSN Weekly update for you fine folks across the pond.
Import REVIEW: Project DIVA 2nd
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva is a popular series of rhythm games that features Vocaloids; a singing voice synthesizer.
PSN Weekly: Week of May 15th (Europe)
Hello again. It’s time once again for another weekly PSN update for you fine folks across the pond.
2nd Season of Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! Announced
The June issuse of Kadokawa Shoten’s Newtype magazine reported Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai! is getting a 2nd TV season.
PSN Weekly: Week of May 8th (Europe)
If you’re a European fan of Action-RPGs or RPGs in general, you’re in luck this week as there are some fantastic titles on sale.