I had been wanting to check out DOA 5 for quite sometime. Now that Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate is out, I finally got my chance to check out this entry into the series.
Author: Steve Baltimore
South Park: The Stick of Truth Release Details Announced
Ubisoft made a couple of announcements about the RPG South Park: The Stick of Truth.
PSN Weekly: Week of September 24th (North America)
This time on PSN Weekly, we have some Armored Core, some indie goodness, and one of my favorite PS2 games heading to PS2 Classics.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle Is Coming West
Namco Bandai has confirmed that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle will be heading west next year.
One Piece: Romance Dawn Will Release in North America
One Piece: Romance Dawn, an RPG based on the popular manga/anime series will receive a North American Release.
REVIEW: Dragon Fantasy: Book II
Dragon Fantasy: Book II is a trip down retro lane, but does it hold up? Check out our review to find out.
AquaPazza North American Release Date Announced
AquaPazza, a 2D fighting game featuring characters from Japanese visual novel maker Leaf, now has a North American release date.
Chronicles of a Dark Lord Ep II Pre-Orders Open with Bonus
Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode II War of the Abyss is up for pre-order with some great bonuses. A sound track, concept art and more.
REVIEW: Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
One of Japan’s finest rhythm games Hatsune MIku : Project DIVA F has been released here in the west. Should you be excited? Check out our review!
PSN Weekly: Week of September 4th, 2013 (North America)
This week’s PSN Weely is jam-packed with goodness. We have a remake of a classic Mickey Mouse title, Atelier Meruru Plus for the Vita, and much more.
PSN Weekly: Week of August 27th (North America)
Hatsune Miku, a Suda game, Final Fantasy and a PAX sale are just some of the highlights in this week’s PSN Weekly for North America.
PSN Weekly: Week of August 20th (North America)
This week’s PSN Weekly adds some great titles for pre-order, some great indie titles for the Vita, and much more.
Grinsia 3DS eShop and PC Announcement
Nicalis is bringing one of KEMCO’s mobile JRPGs to the 3DS, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
Dragon Fantasy: Book II Release Date Announced
Dragon Fantasy: Book II’s release date has been announced for PS3 and Vita.
PSN Weekly: Week of August 13th (North America)
This Weeks PSN Weekly features a Japanese developers sale, some classic platforming action and much more.
PSN Vita Games Sale Celebrates Japanese Developers
PSN Vita games sale celebrates Japanese developers—get these deals while they’re hot.
Project DIVA F Release Date, Pre-Order Bonuses Revealed
SEGA has confirmed Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F will release in North America on August 27th.
A Guide to Vita Games
This is a guide to current and upcoming games you should check out for the Vita.
REVIEW: Mystic Chronicles
When I first heard Natsume was bringing Mystic Chronicles to the PSP, I was pretty excited. These old school JRPGs from KEMCO seem right up my alley.
Natsume is having a Summer Blowout Sale
Natsume is having a Summer Blowout Sale! It appears some of the rare Rune Factory and Harvest Moon titles have been reprinted.