Classic Castlevania is always good, right?
Author: Steve Baltimore
Steve started with oprainfall not long after the campaign moved from the IGN forums to Facebook. Ever since, he has been fighting to give all non-mainstream RPGs a fair voice. As the site admin, he will continue to do this and even show there is value in what some would deem "pure ecchi." He loves niche games and anime more than anything... well, except maybe Neptune.
Bayonetta 2 Demo Now Up in the eShop for Europe and North America
Bayonetta 2 looks pretty sweet!
PSN Weekly: Week of October 7th, 2014 (North America)
Lots of goodies this week on PSN.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 Site Updated with Oracle Information
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 official site updated.
REVIEW: Fairy Fencer F
Sometimes characters can really make a story shine.
REVIEW: Warriors Orochi 3 Ultimate
More of the Warriors franchise is always a good thing, right?
Moero Chronicle will be Translated into English
Moero Chronicles looks interesting to say the least.
Dragon Quest: Heroes Screenshots Revealed (Japan)
Dragon Quest mixed whit Dynasty Warriors. Who’d ever thought it?
Fairy Fencer F Special Skills and Attacks Screens
Special attacks are always good.
(Japan) Senran Kagura: Estival Versus Coming to PS4 and Vita
More Senran Kagura is always a great thing.
(Japan) Earth Defense Force 4.1 Announced for PS4
(Japan) Disgaea 5 Confirmed for PlayStation 4
This is great news, dood!
(Japan) Danganronpa: Another Episode Gets a New Trailer
More Daganronpa is a good thing, right?
PlayStation 4 and Vita to Get Themes
Themes make things better!
(Japan) Luminous Arc Infinity Announced for Vita
Now this looks interesting.
(Japan) Way of the Samurai is Heading to Vita
Way of the Samurai on the go would be pretty cool.
REVIEW: Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds reminds us that beat ’em ups are fun!
Square Enix Considering Dragon Quest VII 3DS Localization but Unsure of Sales
Some people never learn.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth2 is coming West
More Neptunia is always a good thing.