Retro City Rampage screenshot

Indie-developer Brian Provinciano, the creator of Retro City Rampage, has expressed interest in making more funny and open-world titles in the future, including those that are of a larger scale.

As of right now, Provinciano says his next title may not be that comedic game akin to Retro City Rampage, but explains that he definitely has plans.

“I have about four open-world game ideas in my head that I’m passionate about, but I’m also very concerned about jumping into another big project. So I’m sorting out my ideas right now and figuring out if there’s a smaller game idea or something different I could do in the middle, just as a palate cleanser. When I do my next big ambitious game, again it’ll probably be open-world.”

Provinciano says that he is least likely to make a game for this whole year unless it’s smaller-scale, as he wants to “let the dust settle” for Retro City Rampage before starting his next project. Though his positive experience with Nintendo may give an idea that a comedic open-world game may not be extremely far away.

Retro City Rampage

Regarding his new project, Provinciano shares that he has strong feelings for artwork, when he wants place larger emphasis towards art and audio. He states that he didn’t want to be type-cast for pixel-art games, and is striving to develop at higher production values, even when he shared that he loves pixel-art. His reason to temporarily set aside pixel-art is to make something that expands his own range as an artist and developer:

“I would rather have amazing art way beyond my capabilities and have it all done by other people than have some half-assed art I did myself, just for the sake of saying ‘I did it myself.’ So one of the big goals in my next games is to have really high-quality art […] I want to do different art styles, to show to the world that I’m not just a pixel-art guy.”

Provinciano currently has an interest in the PlayStation Vita, and may develop for PlayStation 4 after calling it a “powerful platform” for future games.

Retro City Rampage is available on Wiiware, Xbox LIVE Arcade, Playstation Network for PS3 and Vita, Steam and Linux. You can also read our review HERE.


Andy Na
Andy was a member at Operation Rainfall since the beginning of its campaigning days. Though something of a troublemaker at the time, he now contributes to Operation Rainfall and shares his love for all things gaming and the visual arts. His favorite games include Xenoblade Chronicles, Kid Icarus Uprising, and No More Heroes. Andy currently holds a Bachelors degree in Cinema, which he uses to pursue filmmaking.