This was an incredibly busy week for me in real life, as I crossed multiple time zones and visited the East Coast for several days. It turns out that living on a far different time zone than what you’re used to means that you wind up quite tired at night. This really isn’t a surprise, as I went through the same thing when I first moved out West.

So unfortunately, I didn’t get a whole lot accomplished this week in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

That said, I still kept my daily streak of playing alive. I met new potential islanders, started a new bridge project, attended Festivale, and more! You genuinely don’t need to do a ton in order to feel like you’re accomplishing something every day in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

If you missed last week’s Tom Nook’s Snapshots column, you can check it out here.

February 26

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Flowers are everywhere.
Photo by author.

It turns out that not visiting the northern half of your island very often means the local fauna gets to run amok.

Here, roses have started to take over an entire area, and I’ve now got this gorgeous mis-mash of colors ranging from orange to white to deep purple to light purple and everything in between.

Honestly? It’s gorgeous, and I don’t know if I could have curated it myself if I properly tried. I’m trying to clear up a bit around the bridge that I am (slowly) funding and the potential money rock, and it is…going okay.

February 27

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Bewilderment Reaction
Photo by author.

I barely played this day – the time zone changes were just so hard to deal with.

I did run into C.J., who I finally was able to turn my koi over to. I am supposed to get a small koi statue in the mail now. I also learned the Bewilderment reaction! It is the feature image for this week, just because I found it so…different…to look at. The eyes look haunted!

February 28

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Full Mail
Photo by author.

I’m having mail problems again.

I was just utterly exhausted, and so I spent my time in game just trying to clear mail. And apparently, I have so much mail that my inbox kept giving this message for long periods of time whenever I would try to get into it.

I eventually was able to do so, and I ended up adding quite a bit of K.K. Slider music that I’ve ordered from the Town Hall kiosk to my music collection.

March 1

Animal Crossing: New Horizons | K.K. Slider Concert.
Photo by author.

I ended up putting on a small K.K. Slider concert in the middle of the DFW American Airlines ‘B’ terminal to open the month of March in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I was spending the entire day flying, and I knew that if I didn’t play this game now, I would never get it done in time to keep my New Year’s Resolution alive.

So, I pulled up alongside Hazel and Tybalt to listen to K.K. perform Chillwave. And since I couldn’t find my headphones, I ended up playing it for a small audience of no-one but me at the gate.

This makes it two weeks in a row where I’ve been listening to K.K. Slider’s concerts outside of my home!

March 2

Meeting Celia.
Photo by author.

I arrived back home, only to turn around and leave town again – but just for the day, this time. Today is also the last time I’ll be playing on little sleep, I hope.

I didn’t do a whole lot in Animal Crossing: New Horizons today beyond learn a new Reaction, shop at the store (and buy a football!), and meet a new islander. Celia seemed super sweet, even if she was just carrying a sandwich everywhere. She also apparently didn’t want to move to my island, which surprised me, until I kept talking to her. However, I just felt like she wasn’t a great fit for the rest of my islanders.

Oh well, I will eventually find the perfect fit for my little community!

March 3

Pavé is dancing during Festivale!
Photo by author.

Today is the day of Festivale in Animal Crossing: New Horizons!

I’ve been excited about today for a couple of weeks now, as I love Pavé and his dancing in this game’s take on Carnival. It was great to see all the islanders dancing around and having fun in their little costumes. I had previously gotten all the furniture possible for this event, but I still went around and caught a bunch of feathers anyway.

It’s the silly, fun, events that really make Animal Crossing: New Horizons the magical place it truly can be.

March 4

Becky asking to leave.
Photo by author.

Becky said she wanted to leave Renassia today.

I won’t lie – saying goodbye to her, even the thought of it – broke my heart a little bit. I know it was selfish of me to do so, but I asked her to stay. She said yes, which was no small relief to me. I am so used to people coming and going in my real life that I don’t want to also deal with it in Animal Crossing: New Horizons– especially when I am so careful about who I let move into my island already.

I also dug up some fossils before getting them evaluated and selling them off. I am hoarding money at this moment, purely because I want to pay off the bridge I’m building (remember that?) all in one go. I think I have almost enough money to make that happen fairly early next week!

Do you let your islanders leave in Animal Crossing: New Horizons? 

Or do you ask them to stay?

Let me know in the comments below!

Quentin H.
I have been a journalist for oprainfall since 2015, and I have loved every moment of it.