Disclaimer: The opinions of the corrupted save podcast is that of the author, and not that of Operation Rainfall as a whole.
Today on the corrupted save podcast:
Are you completely sick and tired of talking about E3 or hearing people talk about E3? Well guess what, so are we! So sick and tired of it that we took the time to record an entire E3 episode. Great. Also speacil guest Mat from the site put up with us for over three hours, what a trooper. Check out his articles here really helps him out.
For news:
There is also:
- Tiny Anime talk Jojo part 5 announced
- returning game, Lost in translation
- Waifu of the week
- Shout-outs and Shout-ats
- What have you been playing?
- no question as we were all tuckered out
- 90s Tokyo Camcorder Footage
- ほっといてくれよ、外人さん。
- World order
- here are the before and after pictures of the “like a bigger dipper” censorship

We ended up talking about David Cages latest “video game” for well over an hour and decided to make it a brucie bonus episode that can be found here.