Gun Gun Pixies

Gun Gun Pixies

The Compile Heart shooter Gun Gun Pixies will be released in Japan on March 23. The game which puts you into the role of a small alien will have a special edition. The “Gun Pixie” version will have a soundtrack, drama CD, and an art book. Pre-orders of the game will have a bonus outfit. Here’s a bit of information about the game that Gematsu translated:

Maiden Subjugation War

“The Maiden Subjugation War is a special mission that occurs at a turning point in the story. The goal is to quiet down the residents of the girls’ dormitory, who have begun to act outrageous for some reason. You won’t be discovered by the girls during this mission, and will be able to see them take special actions, like doing yoga.”

Gun Gun Pixies will be released in Japan on March 23 for the PlayStation Vita.


Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.