Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana has been delayed until next year for the PS4. The Vita version, however, is set for a release on July 21 in Japan. Previously it was announced that both versions of the game were going to be released this summer.

Besides the announcement of the different release dates some new information about the game has been revealed. Some details about the game’s equipment were explained, like giving you the ability to climb up walls and increasing movement speed. Two new characters have been revealed, too. The first is Ricotta, a young girl who uses a whip-mace and is looking for her father. The other is a character named Hummel who wields a gun and appears to be connected to the criminal underworld.


Walter P
Plays too much, but still has too many games to finish. Will play any type of game and will watch anything, so is of course not good at being productive. Loves anything crazy.