To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of one of it’s biggest franchises, Nintendo announced this morning that a special Pokémon Nintendo Direct will be happening on February 26th at 7am Pacific Time. This is two decades after the actual date that Pokémon launched in Japan. The last Direct was focused on Super Smash Bros back on December 16, 2015. According to Nintendo of Japan’s twitter this special presentation will be around 5 minutes long.
With all the Pokémon rumors floating around it’s easy to speculate what this announcement or announcements might be. Will it be oft talked about Pokémon Z or some other new main series game to bring us into the 7th generation? Will it be something smaller like more reveals for Pokkén Tournament or a release date for the very first mobile game, Pokémon GO? Since this Nintendo Direct is a world wide broadcast it’s unlikely that we’ll receive region specific news like a localization of the Japanese exclusive adventure game Great Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo.
We only have to wait a few days to be able to play ‘Who’s that Pokémon (featured in that game or games that are being covered by this Nintendo Direct)?’ Hmm, probably needs a snappier title…