Speaking with 4Gamer recently, series producer of the Senran Kagura franchise, Kenichiro Takaki announced that there will indeed be more for series to come next year with plans underway as the man himself put it:
I’d like for our team to become one and continue making fun games in this era, with tenderness and our unchanging love for boobs and games.
Since the announcement of Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni and its two related projects with the anime series, Mermaid and social game, Siren along with the other new IP Takaki announced not too long ago, Uppers it was assumed Senran Kagura may be taking a breather from yearly releases. Fans of the series must be ecstatic with the release of Estival Versus on the horizon coupled with the recent news, there will be plenty of Senran Kagura to enjoy for some time.