Resident Evil 4 | oprainfall
It’s so securing and comforting to be able to defend oneself from monsters, the opposite of scary.

Resident Evil 4 is one of the most critically acclaimed horror games of all time, and its influence is difficult to overstate, affecting not only other horror games like Dead Space but also the action game genre in general. Did you miss this gaming phenomenon? Do you live in Europe? Well you’re in luck! On the 29th, Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition will be on the Wii shop and it’s even 25% off until November 5, so it’s a bargain too!

Resident Evil 4  is available on numerous other platforms in its HD rerelease for those who don’t have a Wii U for digital downloads, including Steam, the Xbox Arcade, and the PSN.


Jerry Hrechka
Jerry Hrechka is a writer and journalist. He was born in the Catskill mountains and now resides in Georgia, still trying to work out how exactly that happened. His work can also be found on as well as on his horror podcast 1001 Frights.