Victory Shots – The Last Story Edition

Operation Rainfall readers, followers, and supporters have been waiting quite a while for the American release of The Last Story. Kinda crazy that less than six months ago we didn’t even think the game would be released here. So to celebrate this fantastic event and show our appreciation to Mistwalker, XSEED Games, and Nintendo, we want everyone to submit their victory poses of themselves with their copy of the game.

How to share your victory pose:

1) Head to our official Facebook page and post your photo directly on our wall:

2) Post your image to Twitter and be sure to use the hashtags @OpRainfall #VictoryPose
(It would also be nice to include @Mistwalker, @XSEEDGames, and @NintendoAmerica if you have room!!)

3) Send an email with your photo attached to [email protected]


  • You must ask your parents’ or guardians’ permission before posting a photo of yourself online if you are under 18.
  • Anyone may post a picture, regardless of where you live in the world. (Even if you live in Europe and got the game months ago!)
  • We will only select pictures we deem appropriate, we may also remove photos or refuse to publish them at our discretion at any time.
  • You can also submit celebratory pictures, drawings/sketches, photos, etc, anything to show how excited you are for the release of the game.
  • Images can be any size, they will be scaled to fit on our website.
  • Images must be in JPG, GIF, or TIF formats.
  • Keep in mind that these images will be visible to the general public, there are no privacy settings available.
  • We will not post any personal information along with your image.
  • By posting your image on our Facebook page, using the hashtags we provided, or sending images to our email, you give Operation Rainfall implied permission to post your photos on this page.
  • If we posted a picture that you would like us to remove, please contact us at [email protected] and we will remove the image as quickly as possible.
  • You are welcome to submit videos in the same manner, but we reserve the right to share them on this page or remove them at any time.
  • Keep it clean, and have fun!

Victory Poses!

Insert First Image Here!