Amagami | PS Vita Cover

An English translation patch has released for the PlayStation Vita version of Ebikore+ Amagami. The patch is based off the work done by Ni-shi-shi Translations on the PlayStation 2 version of Amagami. On May 31, 2022, Ni-shi-shi Translations released their English translation patches for the PS2 (original, Ebikore+) and PSP versions of the game. Their final 1.0.0 patch released on December 26,2023. After this on December 26, 2024, Ni-shi-shi Translations made the tools and scripts used for their patches public. The tools repositories were released shortly after on January 1, 2025.

Though the PS Vita patch is based off the one by Ni-shi-shi Translations, there were modifications and additions made for the Vita release. One of the biggest changes was the combination of all routes into one patch. The previous PS2/PSP patches were split into three patches, each featuring two different heroines. The split was due to engine limitations with those versions. The other big addition made was the implementation of touch screen controls, allowing players to navigate the game using the touchscreen. These additional touch controls can be toggled off in the in-game settings menu.

You can check out screenshots from the PS Vita translation below.

You can check out a list of the changes from the PS2/PSP patches below.

  • Patch is now all in one (benefits from newer hardware).
  • Translated/edited/fixed lines throughout the game.
  • Fixed line breaks when the player’s name was in it.
  • Added voice line in text form when changing player’s name.
  • Fixed name changing (PSP).
  • Fixed names being three characters long (PSP).
  • Reduced character spacing in event names at the top of the grid.
  • Fixed log window from random crashing and now has variable width font.
  • Fixed snowflake in text window going off screen if line was too long.
  • Fixed calendar day position (PSP).
  • Changed title sequence when booting up.
  • Fixed ï not displaying.
  • Added space between character names when the relationship status changed.
  • Fixed omake softlock on background change (PS2 Ebikore).
  • Fixed credits screen (PS2 Ebikore).
  • Fixed all heroines cleared event (PS2 Ebikore).
  • Fixed lines being out of place in certain scenes.
  • Translated alternate epilogue event.

You can check out a list of those who worked on both patches below.

PS2/PSP Patch Credits (Ni-shi-shi Translations)


Atsui – Translator
CirqueForge – Project leader/Tools programmer
RipVanWenkle – Editor
Thrdai – Editor
UsagiSake – Editor


Anon70641 – Tools programmer
Akatsukin – Translator
BananaShiki – Translator
Dansolo – Editor
Duplicatexx – Editor
Etoce – Translator
Hayate – Translator
Jack_Tres – Translator
Muoteck – Image Editor/Typesetter
Pluot – Editor/Tools Programmer
Raehik – Editor
Swizwardo – Editor
VHCSoftwares – Translator
Zeta42 – Editor

PS Vita Patch Credits

  • badspot — Image editing/Playtesting
  • FTIW — Hacking/Image editing
  • Palevo — Playtesting
  • Phantom — Translation help
  • vimiani — Logo Design/Image editing
  • wacker — Playtesting

A link for the PS Vita English translation patch can be found HERE. Instructions on how to install the patch can also be found on the same page. If you would like to download the patches for the PS2 and PSP versions, you can reach the page with all the links HERE.

Amagami was developed by Enterbrain and first released for PlayStation 2 on March 19, 2009. Updated releases for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable titled Ebikore+ Amagami launched on March 31, 2011. The PlayStation Vita edition launched on January 30, 2014.

Patrick Aguda
Patrick is an avid fan of both video games and anime. He has been a fan of anime since his older sister introduced him to the genre when he was younger. He grew up watching shows such as Cardcaptor Sakura, Digimon Adventure, Gundam Wing, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyo and Yu Yu Hakusho. His favorite games include Persona 3 Portable, Steambot Chronicles and the .hack//G.U. trilogy. He strongly believes that Sinon, Maki and Mash are best girls.