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Nintendo has just announced that in a little over a month, they will no longer be giving fans gold points for game purchases. During the life of the Nintendo Switch, when fans purchased games, they received a fraction of the cost back as gold points. Digital games awarded significantly more points than physical games and in return, you received discounts on future games or DLC simply for spending your money on Switch games. This upcoming March 24th, 2025, that will be coming to an end. As of 9:30 p.m. Pacific on March 24th, game purchases will no longer award customers with gold points.  You can find the further details on this announcement, over on Nintendo’s website.

Writer’s Personal Opinion:

I don’t normally state my opinions on the news I report on, right here in the articles where I cover it. Nonetheless, I feel the need to give my thoughts on this latest news, as a fan. The direction Nintendo is going recently, in preparation for their launch of the Switch 2, has become worrying as a fan. I quite enjoyed the improvements of how Nintendo did things during the Switch’s lifetime, such as the Switch being truly region free. As I just said however, these recent changes have become worrying. Now, some of this is the fault of Nintendo of America specifically, not Nintendo as a whole. As we know, Nintendo America seems to have changed their rules recently, thus causing the cancellation of various games in the West and continuing to prevent other games from launching on Nintendo systems outside of Asia, which are being released just fine on PlayStation systems.

But now, to top that off with Nintendo as a whole cancelling the gold points reward system, is quite upsetting. No, you didn’t get a ton of money back in gold points on each game purchase. Still, it gave fans an incentive to keep buying games, full priced digital titles especially seeing as they were rewarded with a decent discount on future eShop purchases. I’ve seen some feedback under Nintendo’s tweet from other fans who are almost accepting this because, maybe the Switch 2 will get some other reward system. Personally, I don’t accept it. What about the millions of us who still play the original Switch and also still buy games for it? It’s Nintendo’s best selling home console ever and now we simply don’t get anything back for buying games anymore? I understood dropping support for the Wii U so quickly since it was a massive failure. But why would you end the reward system this soon for your most successful home console, while fans are still purchasing games for it?

Jenae R
Jenae is an RPG enthusiast who also enjoys cats, humidity-free warm weather, Dean Koontz books, Riichi Mahjong and a select handful of non RPG series and games. Two of her all-time favorite games are the original Shadow Hearts and Final Fantasy IX. She loves to ramble on about her numerous gaming opinions and is fortunate enough to be able to do it here at oprainfall.