Days with my Stepsister | oprainfall anime

We here at oprainfall don’t just love video games: we’re big fans of anime, manga, and light novels, too. So in celebration of the medium, we’re here to give you our thoughts on what we’ve been watching and reading each week as we enjoy them. Old, new – anything goes.

Currently Airing:

No Longer Allowed in Another World

No Longer Allowed in Another World | oprainfall anime

I decided to dip my toes back into the world of Isekai because I’ve been feeling the need to watch some enjoyable trash, and No Longer Allowed in Another World hit all my buttons. Big busty elf priestesses, cat girls getting groped by trees, truck-kun finally receiving the adulation he deserves, a protagonist who absolutely Does Not want to be here – it’s got it all. The idea of there being another world that summons dying humans to give them a second chance at life, but the most recent person they choose is Osamu Dazai, who notoriously does not want to live, is such a fantastically incredulous setup I had to see it for myself. And it honestly worked pretty well. Interrupted right before committing double suicide with his lover Sacchan, Dazai finds himself in a Western-styled fantasy realm where he’s the hero destined to save everyone. He’s greeted by a blonde elf named Annette, who has ushered in countless other heroes over the years and grown disillusioned with her role; however, not only does Dazai want nothing to do with saving the world, he has abysmal stats to the point he’s actively dying of poison. His blase attitude intrigues her, though she’s unable to stop him from leaving on his own. While wandering, he finds a cat girl being attacked by a Death Tree, and his pitiful non-attempt to save her finds him trapped in hits clutches. Hilarity ensues. His interactions with both women are honestly pretty funny, and his actor delivers deadpan lines with fantastic comedic timing. This was a super breezy first episode with enough hooks I’m willing to give the show a real chance. If you like your Isekai with a dash of irreverence, you could choose worse than this. – Leah

You can watch No Longer Allowed in Another World on Crunchyroll.

Days With My Stepsister

Days with my Stepsister | oprainfall anime

I went into Days With My Stepsister expecting some horny trash, only to get swept up into a contemplative, melancholic, and slow burning examination of loneliness and the distance that exists between people. Yuta Asamura and Saki Ayase are classmates who suddenly find themselves siblings when their divorced parents marry. Despite being in the same class, the two have barely interacted before, and are as close to strangers as possible – only now these strangers need to navigate living together and the changes that come with inviting someone new to live under your roof. Both Asamura and Ayase are content to remain distant from each other, two people who simply share a home, but despite their best efforts they slowly connect, learning more about each other while breaking down the barriers they’ve each put up following their parents’ divorces earlier in life. The show captures their sense of uncertainty and awkwardness beautifully through the deft use of the camera, often lingering on empty hallways and dark spaces, the characters just out of frame or passing like ghosts across the screen. Reflections are used liberally. The scenery here is as much a character as Asamura and Ayase, setting the mood and conveying more through silence than most shows do their dialogue. Stepsister has been an absolute treat to watch, with surprising emotional beats and two main characters who I can’t help but cheer on. This one is absolutely worth your time. – Leah

You can watch Days With My Stepsister on Crunchyroll.

The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to be Archenemies

Mahoaku | oprainfall anime

Having vanquished Byakuya’s familiar, the Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant continue their charade of being enemies, only for Mira’s henchmen to go and actually kidnap Byakuya, bringing her to their evil lair to be tortured. Mira takes this about how you’d expect. Every interaction between him and Byakuya remains a joy, with her quiet naivete complimenting his over-the-top infatuation. Every time he loses his cool because he can’t handle how cute Byakuya is, I feel it. She is just absolutely the most adorable. This episode gives us some more insight into why Byakuya is the way she is, finally beginning to peel back the layers of her nonchalance to let her personality peek through. Despite being half length episodes, this show is still the one I most look forward to every week, because it fills my heart with such joy to see these two characters interact. We’ll finally meet another magical girl next week, and I cannot wait to see what happens. – Leah

You can watch The Magical Girl and the Evil Lieutenant Used to be Archenemies on Crunchyroll.

Nyako to Hakase (Nyako and Doctor)

Nyako and Doctor | cover

Nyako to Hakase, or Nyako and Doctor, is a short manga series that follows the daily lives of a doctor and her cute cat maid, Nyako. The doctor is more of a researcher who one day simply wanted a cat girl companion, and so she created one. From there, we are treated to a charming series of slice-of-life chapters depicting the doctor’s and Nyako’s days.

This became an instant favorite of mine since its debut, and every chapter has been a treat. The doctor is eccentric yet caring, especially regarding Nyako. Nyako herself is easy to frighten, yet adorable, inquisitive, and incredibly kind. It has been a pleasure to watch as Nyako expresses her curiosity, playfulness, and kindness.

This manga has just ended, having been published on the author’s twitter since 2021, and I’ll certainly miss this one. Adorable and funny, it was always a welcomed bright light every time a new chapter was released and translated. Whether through the author’s future works or through an extra chapter, I hope the author chooses to revisit this series someday, allowing us to check in on these two again. – Drew D.

What anime are you watching? What manga and light novels are you reading? Let us know in the comments!

You can read previous Week in Anime & Manga entries here!

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