Castlevania - SotN | Richter vs Alucard

While we here at Operation Rainfall love covering the latest in gaming news and sharing our reviews of titles new and classic, we also just enjoy playing games in our downtime. So with that, sit back, relax, and check out what the oprainfall gaming crew have been up to this week!

Symphony of the Night – Dracula X Chronicles version

A little while ago I replayed the Dracula x Chronicles version of Symphony of the Night. Mostly the same experience as the PS1 version, I have to say, I don’t mind the small changes between the two. The voice actors are the most obvious difference, but I was never as obsessed about them as others across the internet. I particularly like the extra Maria boss fight, and I wish the developers had added more beyond this. I recall hearing that the Saturn version of the game had additional areas, or at least the data for them was left over, so I wouldn’t have minded seeing the original developers’ ideas fleshed out. I guess I’m always wanting more in these instances.

Castlevania - SotN | Richter vs Alucard

Anyway, I can blitz through this pretty fast, even faster than Aria or Portrait, which is why I just went ahead and played it in a sitting or three.

One thing I’ll mention, I always took issue with the unique weapons and how rarely they drop. I also never liked how some enemies drop equips that are already available in the castle. Similarly, I never like it when castle items or weapons found later are worse than items found earlier. I just never understood the logic behind such decisions.

Equips other than weapons were never special either. I do always get a kick out of the Crystal Cloak, though, and how the sprite artists made it semi-transparent. I’m impressed with the imagination it took to do so every time I see it. It’s a personal favorite.

I’ll be done with this by the time this contribution gets published. As for what’s next, I’m leaning towards more manga and LN reading than gaming, so I’ll see you over on that weekly post. – Drew D

What games have you been playing this week? Let us know in the comments!

You can read previous Week in Gaming entries here!

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